Reading the Bible, is not supposed to be simple or easy all the time.
Lets talk about this for a bit. Perhaps we all need a shot of humility when we pick up this book.
The Bible was written by the person who holds the universe in existence while he sits in a recliner, with his feet up, sipping a wine so wonderful only he can make it. Do you really think you should be able to easily understand it? Expect to be confused sometimes!
Lets bring our friend Alex along with us and try to come up with an analogy that puts God and the Bible in a bit of perspective. Imagine Alex is smarter than a million Albert Einsteins and has more resources available to him than everyone in the world put together. Now imagine Alex creates a puzzle that is 3 dimensional, the size of the actual Sears Tower, and it has 10 billion pieces. All of that falls well short of properly depicting our awesome God and the wonderful Bible He has given us is. Expect to be confused!
But all hope of putting the puzzle together is not lost. We have Alex! Not really of course, we actually have the Holy Spirit, which is so much better than Alex. The Holy Spirit will guide you. The Holy Spirit will help you find the pieces to this huge puzzle. The Holy Spirit will make this relevant to your life.
This whole analogy is not just a lesson about reading the Bible, but about life – and by life, I really mean life from God’s perspective, which is forever.
- The Bible is so deep and wonderful and difficult, it is beyond our ability comprehend.
- The life God has in store for us is so deep and wonderful and difficult, it is beyond our ability comprehend.
- By ourselves, alone, in life and in reading the Bible, we are hopeless…beyond our ability to comprehend.
- God and his love for us is great… beyond our ability to comprehend.
- If we admit we are hopeless without Him and utterly depend on Him, God will guide us for all eternity, both in the Bible and in life, on a journey that is wonderful…beyond our ability to comprehend.
Beginner’s Online Bible Study *obbs*
While I agree with you that the Bible is so beyond our comprehendtion,I don’t want anybody to think that it’s to hard or I’m can’t for what ever reason. I like to think about it as having levels or layers. You could be at the 1st.level, the 28th level, or the 550th. level and they ALL are fantastic, (well I don’t know for sure because I’m still somewhere between 1 & 28, But so far they all have been.) Well from my experience they end up being fantastic, the growth time, could be, or they could be almost hell. Back to the point no matter where you are the Bible has something for you and YOU have something for the others around you, That’s just God’s way.
Yes, you are so correct. The incredible depth of the Bible just means we are going to have a fantastic journey. Every step of the journey is amazing! Thanks again for clarifying this.
Good Post, I agree and one of the things I like so much about this site is that you get the benefit of everyone learning and discovery! Something that may have not been evident to me at first sometimes click after seeing what someone else has commented and as you stated YOU have something for others around you! Thank You All!