As you find more and more pieces to the puzzle and put them into place, the picture on the puzzle starts to take shape. You have gone over the pieces so many times you are starting to get to know them really well too. Suddenly you start putting pieces in faster, and faster, and faster. Now all the once it seems like every time you touch a piece it means something to you and you at least have an idea where it goes. The puzzle, the pieces, everything is coming together. You once thought you would never get the puzzle together, and now the end is in site.
The same thing happens with the Bible. As you get to know the pieces, they fall into place faster and faster. As the puzzle comes together you are starting to see God for who He really is and you know Him better and better. It is easier to see where the verses and phrases and stories of the Bible fit in. And really, as you see the puzzle come together you are seeing your life come together and you can see where God and the Bible fit into the puzzle of your life.
I’ve been reading the Bible almost every day for over 30 years now. I can honestly say I am more amazed and thrilled by it now than I ever have been. I am also amazed at how much I don’t know. I really think I will spend all eternity putting this puzzle of my life, and God, and the Bible together and it will be a fascinating adventure. I am sure that God is so awesome and His Word is so meaningful that I will never run out of pieces to add to the puzzle. As a matter of fact, I already can see that what I thought was the outer frame of the puzzle, is really just an inner core and pieces are starting to fit around the edges making the puzzle grow and grow and grow. I know most of that growth is my growing acceptance of Jesus’ love in my life. I hope and pray a little of that growth is my growing love for Him.
Keep reading and studying the Bible. It is an eternal journey, or maybe a better word is adventure. God will reward and honor Your perseverance. Beginner’s Online Bible Study *obbs*
Has God ever opened your mind or heart to something or someone after a long period of wondering? How do you think the “wondering” was preparing you for the sudden change?
how can i get closer to god. where i become closer to him . what do i have to do to get that far . just to get to him
Getting closer to God is not difficult, but it is humbling. I’ve always found I need to do three things.
1. Pray. It may not “fee” like much at first, but God is there. Put a chair next to you, ask God to sit down and talk with you, and then talk and listen like you would any other friend or brother.
2. Read the Bible. You can start with this Beginner’s Bible Study if you like, or you can just pick it up and start reading, or both. I’d recommend you start with the New Testament if you go straight to the Bible.
3. Realize that you need to change, ask God to change you, and truly be willing to change.
If you have anymore questions, or just want to talk, you can keep posting here (which I would appreciate) or you can email me at .
The puzzle is such an awesome analogy to getting to know God through His word. And you are right, it is an exciting adventure. And just like putting a puzzle together, sometimes you work hard and feel like you are making little progress and other times you zip along and feel like you are flying through it! A lot of the faith journey has to do with your attitude. Everything that happens somehow contains a blessing or a lesson from God. He loves us SOOO much that he allows us to make choices that might even mean choosing living our lives without him for a while, and as parents, anyone can understand how much love that takes not to control all the choices your children make! But, in everything, God is present if you look for Him. And is Word is filled with layers of meaning, so there is ALWAYS something new for us to be amazed with!!
I love the puzzle concept – I can see how God is working in my life. Looking back I remember some pretty difficult times during my teen years and I felt like I was “wondering” around in some desert with no end in sight. I felt so alone. I questioned many times over why this was happening to me. I would reach the peak of one mountain after months of climbing only to tumble down again. When was it going to my turn to enjoy life – to be free of all this pain? All this “wondering” led me to a much deeper realationship with our Lord. I knew I could not face life alone. Reading the Bible opened my mind to the journey (the adventure) God has planned for me. Each day through His strength and love I am able to move forward. Praise be to God!