Sometimes Jesus needs to let me get weighed down with my sins and foolishness and worries so I will wake-up to His amazing life. He just wants us to come to him, and trust him, and love him and learn from him. If we will admit how bad we need him and actively seek him, he will take care of the rest. He is capable of everything, we are capable of nothing. Even right now I am thinking of a private situation in my life that I have been so worried about. Foolishness!
Lord, please help me to see the heavy burdens that I make myself carry around for no reason at all. Help me to throw those burdens off and fill my life with the joyful burden of loving You. Beginner’s Online Bible Study *obbs*
When I read this I see if you apply God’s way to all you do All those things that sap you just aren’t there. You already delt with them by following his principle’s or laws, and that is a lot less burden than all the other things we try to do. Note he did not say he has no burdens on you, but his burdens are light.