“Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities… because it is the quality which guarantees all others.” Winston Churchill
So why do you need courage to simply consider the possibility of God…or Not God?
Because you can make either choice, to believe or not believe, because that choice is the easy way out. Moreover, almost everyone who makes a choice, thinks everyone who chose the opposite is “taking the easy way out”. The real courage comes from being willing to face what each choice really means to you personally. If that sounds easy to you, you likely have never examined it. It is my observation even the most honest of people will lie to themselves without hesitation and it is usually because if they are honest with themselves they will have to change. Change their mind, their actions, their friends…and change is difficult.
In the end, being courageous enough to to honest with yourself will effect every step you take on this journey and every question you answer.
- Are you courageous enough to truly consider the existence, or non-existence of God with an open mind?
- Are you courageous enough to decide for yourself what is truly logical?
- Are you courageous enough to make decisions that are unpopular with your friends, family, etc. etc.?
- Are you courageous enough to decide that prestigious people are simply wrong?
The list goes on, but I think you get the idea. I truly want you to come to the decision you think is most logical, most likely, and most honest, but I’m warning you, it takes guts. If you don’t want to mess up your perfect little world, don’t take this trip.