How much evidence would it take to convince you that God exist?
Have you ever thought about it?
For you personally, is there really any amount?
I ask these questions for a reason. I really do want you to define the answers to those questions. I’ve had these discussions long enough to know that for the far majority of you, there is no amount of evidence, or kind of evidence, that will persuade you. If that is true of you, stop reading. Afterall, what would be the point?
It is not uncommon for people who are passionate about something to be able to rationalize any thought, opinion or scientific fact. The majority of people do not earnestly seek the truth and then change their lives, thoughts and opinions to make what they decide is the best outcome based on those truths. No, the majority people decide how they want to live and who they want to live with and then construct a version of the world around them that justifies their lives…with little or no desire for truth.
But at least be honest about it. I have far more admiration for someone who would say to me, “I have decided I don’t want there to be a God so I will prove to myself there isn’t one.” than for someone who claims to seek the truth, but won’t face serious evidence or consistently changes their measure of “enough evidence.” I once had a long email debate with someone who claimed to be open minded about the resurrection. Finally this devout atheist admitted that the only logical explanation for the facts was that Jesus rose from the dead. He then said it didn’t really matter.
Someone rising from the dead didn’t matter? If you don’t see the absurdity in that, don’t tell me you’re seeking the truth because when you open your mouth it will be filled with sand.
I listened to a question and answer session after a debate once that went something like this.
Atheist Student: There’s not enough evidence to believe in God.
Christian Speaker: What evidence would convince you?
Atheist Student: If God suddenly wrote in the sky “Hey Roger, this is God. I’m here now stop whining and believe.
Christian Speaker: I would agree that would be convincing, and here’s why…
If you agree with the atheist student, and are honest, you need to go shopping for Bibles. That one’s pretty easy, but that’s not the point of this short post. I just want you to define in your own mind what exactly is enough evidence and if your answer is “no amount of evidence” admit it. When you’ve done that you decide if you want to read on, or stop, but don’t waste your time. If you’re 100% sure your life is not eternal, you don’t have time to waste…and you had be 100% sure.