This site is probably not going to be what you expect. I am not a learned bible teacher and I am not taking donations (I do link to other sites if you want to give something) or anything of the sort at this site. I’m not a pastor and I don’t have any type of official spiritual training. I’m not a writer or a speaker. No one knows who I am. No famous words from a famous person here, except the words of Jesus.
What will you find here?
The Scriptural Prayer posts are simply my prayers as I read the Word. There is no great revelation here. These are just the prayers of a struggling sinner. Some victories, a lot of repentance, and a lot of shame. I’m not proud of my struggles or sins, but perhaps someone else can avoid the traps I have fallen into. Maybe someone else can stop being a Pharisee or avoid pornography by reading about my struggles. I’m adding to it daily because I struggle daily. Just reading the Bible and praying.
Teaching is divided into 3 sections: General Teachings , What Trials Have Taught Me and . General Teachings is just a collection of helpful thoughts I have collected. Most are from others, a few are my thoughts. Again, it is a work in progress. What Trials Have Taught Me comes from my family enduring some very difficult trials. Relationships have been strained and things that were boiling under the surface of life have erupted. God has used the trials to teach me a lot and I have been convinced to write these down. Reading the Bible – A Beginner’s Guide is what it says. So many people close to me seem to struggle with this and I just wrote some helpful hints. I should have probably broken it into several posts, but it is what it is.
Another section is Logically Christian. Lately I have been encountering more and more atheist and engaging them in conversation. This has caused me to logically consider my faith. There is a beginning section about basic Christian beliefs and then a list of questions from atheist and searchers that I attempt to answer. I am answering them as much for me as for them. I am amazed at how God has led me to a deeper faith by thinking about these questions.
If you hove some comments, please email me. I need both the inspiration and the correction of other Christians. Please email me once in a while at .
God Bless,
Dan Muhlenkamp