2Please open your hearts to us. We have not done wrong to anyone, nor led anyone astray, nor taken advantage of anyone. 3I’m not saying this to condemn you. I said before that you are in our hearts, and we live or die together with you. 4I have the highest confidence in you, and I take great pride in you. You have greatly encouraged me and made me happy despite all our troubles.
Father, help me open my heart to You, and to Your missionaries. Not just the missionaries traveling all over the world, but more so, the missionaries You send into my life. Help me be an encouragement to them and give them joy. Help me live in such a way that they have confidence in me and even take pride in me. And Holy Spirit, if You choose to use me as a missionary to someone else, help me to do no one wrong, and lead no one astray. Help me to love the totally as Paul loves the Corinthians, and more so, as You have love me. *2Corinthians7*