Since someone has taken the time to debate the original post contending that the authors of the New Testament could not have been lying in a point by point fashion, I have decided to merger the documents and create a point by point discussion with each point being its own post. All the points that I’ve published so far are listed below and each post is linked back to this document. This is an ongoing discussion, so please be patient and com back often
Robin Harrison comments in blue
Dan Muhlenkamp in black
Original Post
Response 1: The New Testament is a Lie Because…
Response2: Point by Point Discussions
- Point 5: No liar would have the risen Jesus appear to women first.
- Point 6: The writers would not have any discrepancies in their stories.:
- Point 7: The writers would not have made themselves look sooooo bad!
- Point 8: The writers would have used “Jesus said…” to solve their problems
- Point 9: Liars would never have created a religion that was so difficult to believe or follow.
- Point 10 – Liars would never imagine such a twist of belief.
Comments (15)